Dr Angela Ryan UCC
Dr Angela Ryan, Bloomsday, Irish Embassy, Paris
Angela Ryan “Peinture fraiche” exhibition, College des Irlandais Paris 2017
Angela Ryan edition de George Sand /Un hiver a Majorque/, Paris, librairie Champion
Angela Ryan presente son edition de G. Sand /Un hiver a Majorque/ a Yves Sordel, Directeur de la bibliotheque Mazarine (detenteur du ms)
Dr Angela Ryan et les laureat(e)s de la MA in Translation and Interpreting Studies, UCC 2017
Portrait of Dr Angela Ryan. Mick O’Dea PRHA, Paris, 2015
Professor Barbara Wright (RIP): fellowship of the Royal Irish Academy of Music
HE the Ambassador of Ireland to France, Geraldine Byrne Nason, at Angela Ryan’s atelier portes ouvertes in the Centre culturel irlandais, Paris, April 2017.
Heroines III : Rusalka. Angela Ryan. Huile sur toile. (Paris 2017)