2006 UCC President's Scholarship for a PhD student
2003 IRCHSS Government of Ireland Senior Research Fellowship Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences for research on Heroism Studies: the Heroine in Classical Greek and French tragedy
2001 Prix de l'Ambassade for translation of the poetry of René Depestre
1973 UCD French Prize
1971 Entrance Scholarship to UCD
1969 European Essay Travelling Scholarship
1968 French Embassy Prize; German Embassy Prize; European Essay Prize; Young Scientists’ Exhibition Junior Biology Prize (research on Paramecium).
Organisation of Conferences
2015 Paris Ecole Normale Superieure Juillet. L'Héroisme féminin dans le théatre francais
2013 UCC Medea Today. Conference with Dr Fiona Shaw CBE.
2005 International Conference La Mémoire du livre May 2005 with celebrated international scholars Professor Jacques Neefs (Johns Hopkins) and Professor Béatrice Didier (Ecole normale supérieure, Paris)
2004 Journée George Sand November 2004 UCC.
2003 UCC School of Language and Literature's XII Annual Conference Language, Literature and the Imaginaire 2-4 May 2003.
2002 International symposium Journées autour d'Antoine Compagnon around the visit of the internationally-celebrated French Studies scholar Antoine Compagnon, professeur à la Sorbonne and Blanche W. Knopf Professor of French at Columbia University, on 17-18 May 2002.
2002 UCC School of Languages and Literature's XI annual conference on literature and cultural studies Hemispheres on 3-5 May 2002.
2000-3 and 2006-9 of the French Department Research Seminar, organising 20 seminars over 3 years with prestigious international scholars as well as national, UCC and interdisciplinary speakers.
1996 Seminar series Europe and its Ideologies, Dublin `Institute of Technology, 1996.
1994 First conference of UCC School of Languages on Language Teaching Methodology 1994. Editor of its proceedings 1994 (See publications).
1986 1986 Annual International Conference of the Société française d’Etudes irlandaises (French Society for Irish Studies), and Editor of its proceedings 1986 (see publications).
Research: Presentations, contributions to learned conferences:
Ryan, Angela (2023). “I is Worried: from an image of Jacques Lacan”. in Panic Point: ICLO Study Day at University of Cork, 29 April 2023.
Ryan, Angela (2023). “Intimate Worlds of Versailles: Art and Artifacts in the Private Royal Apartments of Louis XIV, XV and XVI. Crawford Art Gallery, Cork, 24 March 2023.
Ryan, Angela (2019). “Awaiting the Sixth Mass Extinction: acute issues in writing and culture / En attendant la sixième grande extinction: questions essentielles pour la littérature et la cultureHeroines”, Theories, Translations. A Conference and Festschrift for Angela Ryan. UCC 8 March 2019.
Ryan, Angela (2012). “A French Light on Irish Painters: Roderic O'Conor and Pont-Aven”. Art History lecture on Franco-Irish relations. Crawford Art Gallery Autumn Lecture Series 2012 Crawford Art Gallery, Cork, 16 November 2012.
Ryan, Angela Ryan and Julia Jensen (2012). “Is Reality Really Real? Sartre’s Two Phenomenologies”. French Department Research Seminar, UCC French Department , 16 February 2012.
Helena Buffery, Daragh O'Connell, kerstin Fest, Angela Ryan etc (2012) First International CLAI conference. [Conference Organising Committee Member], Transitions, Cork, 28 June - 30 June 2012.
Ryan, Angela (2012). The Senses: The Role of the Visual Sense in the Genesis of George Sand’s Un hiver à Majorque. Society of Dix-Neuviémistes Tenth Annual Conference. Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 30 March 2012
Ryan, Angela; (2011). Research presentation on traductology: the use of metamorphs for complex translation solutions, with examples from English, French and Irish. [Invited Lectures (Conference)], Modeles de metamorphe dans la traductologie: exemples en anglais, francais et irlandais / Some English, French and Irish examples of shape-shifter models in traductology. Seminaire de Recherche du centre TRACT (traductologie), Sorbonne nouvelle, Paris, 28 April 2011.
Ryan, Angela (2011). Research Presentation on the Theory of Unreasonable Expectations of Nurturing, with examples from George Sand's Un hiver a Majorque. The Consumption of Un Hiver à Majorque : George Sand and Unreasonable Expections of Nurturing, Women in French conference, Hinsley Hall, Leeds, Britain. 06 May 2011.
Ryan, Angela (2010). Research presentation on a scholarly critical edition of George Sand. [Invited Lectures. Editer George Sand: Un hiver a Majorque, Ecole normale superieure, rue d'Ulm, Paris, 07 June 2010.
yan, Angela (2007). Freud and literature today. [Oral Presentation], International Workshop of The Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies,, School of Advanced Study, University of London, 27 January 2007.
Ryan, Angela (2007). « La Résistance incorporée : l’indicible héroïsme du corps féminin en temps de guerre ». Violence, femmes, identité : dits et non-dits : Colloque international organisé par l’ERCIF Université Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux 3 ¿ LAPRIL. 19 - 20 January 2007.
Ryan, Angela (2006). « Cent masques, un visage » : héroïsme aristotélicien et subjectivité proustienne. Association des Études Françaises et Francophones d'Irlande. Eighth Annual Congress, Centre culturel irlandais, Paris , 22-23 September 2006.
Ryan, Angela (2006). Report on Cultural Programmes and Diversity of the Irish Translators' and Interpreters' Association. 20th Anniversary Round Table of Past Chairpersons, Irish Writers' Centre, Dublin, 09 September 2006.
Ryan, Angela (2006) “Le Sujet de la querelle: vraisemblance contre bienséance dans les Médee d’Euripide et de Corneille.”. Modernities: Annual Conference of the Society for Seventeeth Century Studies, St Catherine's College, Oxford, 28-30 June 2006.
Ryan Angela (2006). Translating Proust's Hieratics: Some Problems of Terminology and Cultural Transfer. [Oral Presentation], ADEFFI VIIIe congrès annuel, Centre culturel irlandais, Paris, 03 March 2006.
Ryan, Angela (2006). “Translating Proust’s Hieratics: Some Problems of Terminology and Cultural Transfer.”. [Plenary Lecture], Translation: Theory, Practice and Strategies, University of Ulster at Coleraine , 03 March 2006.
Ryan, Angela (2006). “Resistance in the Body: Heroines of the French Resistance”. [Invited Oral Presentation], War and Resistance. Seminar organized by Dr Joseph Ruane. UCC, 25 May 2006.
Ryan, Angela (2006). “The Road Less Travelled. George Sand, Robert Louis Stevenson and the Appropriation of Elsewhere.”. [Invited Oral Presentation], 17th Annual Conference of the George Sand Association George Sand: Intertextualité et Polyphonie, Dublin City University , 22-24 June 2006.
Ryan, Angela (2005). La Memoire du livre/ Colloque international avec Jacques Neefs, Beatrice Didier, Edric Caldicott, Claude Mouchard, Tony Williams et Angela Ryan. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], La Memoire du livre, UCC , 17 May 2005.
Ryan, Angela (2004). Les Iphigénies d'Euripide et de Racine. [Invited Oral Presentation], Table ronde autour de Christian Biet: seminar of ancien régime French Studies specialists, Trinity College, Dublin , 27 April 2004,.
Ryan, Angela (2004). Le Jeu de la passion et de la vertu: les héroïnes de Jane Austen. [Plenary Lecture], Pudeur, Impudeur, Impudence: Annual Conference of E.R.C.I.F. research centre. Universite Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux III , 30 January 2004.
Ryan, Angela (2003). “The Imaginaire and the Symbolique: Michèle le Doeuff’s Le Sexe du savoir and Camille Claudel’s Sakountala”. XII Annual Conference of the School of Languages and Literature: Language, Literature and the Imaginaire, UCC, 2-4 May, 2003.
Ryan, Angela (2004) Journee George Sand. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Journee George Sand, UCC, 15 October 2004
Ryan. Angela (2004). «Lector, auctor, auctoritas: la question du sujet dans les écrits d’Aristote, Montaigne et Compagnon.”. [Plenary Lecture], Sujet et traduction. Annual conference of the research centre Groupe Etienne Dolet, Universita autonoma de Barcelona, 12 November 2004.
Ryan, Angela (2003). « Habitus and Habitat as Structure and Counterstructure in Bourdieu’s Ce que parler veut dire and Leconte’s Ridicule ». « Habitat » : Biennial Conference of Romance Studies, Gregynog, Powys, Wales, 8-10 September 2003.
Ryan, Angela (2003). « ‘...Ou d’elle ou de deux rois’ : la Médée de Corneille et la bienséance > dans les représentations du pouvoir et de l’absolutisme royaux. » Colloque Théâtre et espace mondain au XVIIe siècle. Organised by the CENTRE DE RECHERCHE SUR LA TRANSMISSION DES MODÈLES ET VALEURS ESTHÉTIQUES (v. Research: Membership of learned associations, committees, councils) Université de Reims, 5 - 6 June 2003.
Ryan, Angela (2003). “Avant-texte and après-texte in Compagnon and Cixous”. Annual Conference of the International Association for Philosophy and Literature, Leeds, July 2003.
Ryan, Angela (2003). « A Franco-Irish Solution?: François Mauriac, Kate O’Brien and the Catholic Intellectual Novel. » Franco-Irish Conference, organised in partnership with the Embassy of France, Dublin, I.T. Tallaght, June 2003.
Ryan, Angela (2003). “The Imaginaire and the Symbolique: Michèle le Doeuff’s Le Sexe du savoir and Camille Claudel’s Sakountala”. XII Annual Conference of the School of Languages and Literature Language, Literature and the Imaginaire, UCC 2-4 May, 2003.
Ryan, Angela (2003). Subjectivity, Heretical Discourse and the Language of Authority: Translating French Theory. Friday 4th April 2003. [N/A], Translation and Cultural Transfer. Cross-national Video-conferenced Seminar, UCC/University of Ulster at Coleraine, 04 April 2003.
Ryan, Angela (2003). Music and Art in 15th and 16th Century Florence: Franco-Florentine Links in the 1589 Intermedi 'Una Stravaganza dei Medici' and Paintings from the National Gallery of Art, Washington. Plenary Lecture, Italian Public Lecture Series 2000/2004: Italy and Music, The National University of Ireland, Galway, , 14 October 2003.
Ryan, Angela; (2003) Language, Literature and the Imaginaire: Annual Conference of the School of Language and Literature UCC. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Language, Literature and the Imaginaire, UCC , 02-MAY-03 - 04-MAY-03.
Ryan Angela; (2002) Journees autour d'Antoine Compagnon. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Journees autour d'Antoine Compagnon, UCC , 17-MAY-02 - 18-MAY-02.
Ryan, Angela; Chu, Mark; (2002) Hemispheres: Annual Conference of the School of Languages and Literature. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Hemispheres, UCC , 03-MAY-02 - 05-MAY-02.
Ryan, Angela (2002). "Racine entre Euripide et Mnouchkine: cladisme des motifs héroiques et monstrueux / Racine's Heroines: Heroic Choice and Monstrous Determinism from Greek to Contemporary Tragedy". Annual Conference of the British and Irish Society for French Studies, Bristol, 1-3 July 2002.
Ryan, Angela (2002). “Théories, héros, teratogonia”. International Conference Journees autour d’Antoine Compagnon. UCC May 17-18 2002.
Ryan, Angela (2002). "Camille Claudel and the Rhetoric of the Heroine". Biennial Conference of the international association Women in French: A Belle Epoque? Women and Feminism in French Society and Culture 1890-1910. Hinsley Hall, Headingley, Leeds, 26th - 28th April 2002.
Ryan, Angela (2001). " 'Tis Far From Pesto We Were Reared' : Structure, Change and Continuity in Irish Food Behaviours", Tradition conference, UCC, June 23rd 2001.
Ryan, Angela (2001). “ ‘Two Better Hemispheres’: Barthesian Orbs and Images in Donne’s The Good-Morrow, Bonnefoy’s Le Miroir courbe and van Eyck’s The Arnolfini Wedding.” XI Annual Conference of the School of Languages and Literature UCC Hemispheres, UCC, 3-5th May. 2001.
Ryan, Angela (2001). "La Grande Illusion de Jean Renoir: tableaux de peintre, fresque de société". Visiting lectures in course Cinéma et culture française, de 1896 à nos jours, Harvard University Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, 23 and 26 February 2001.
Ryan, Angela (2000). "The Mediatisation of Women in France: Hélène Cixous, Antoinette Fouque and Annie Ernaux". Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association of America, 30 December, 2000, Washington D.C.
Ryan, Angela (2000). "The Lost Heroine and the Memetics of Cultural Inscription". Plenary Address, Annual Modern Languages Symposium of the Royal Irish Academy, 10 November 2000, University College Dublin, Ireland.
Ryan, Angela (2000). “Structure and Counterstructure, Bourdieu’s Authoritative Discourse and Leconte’s Ridicule”. Annual Conference of the Association des etudes françaises et francophones d’Irlande (Irish Association for French Studies) - ADEFFI, Trinity College, Dublin, 25th November 2000,
Ryan, Angela (2000). "The 'Other Claudel': Camille Claudel and the rhetoric of the heroine" Crawford Art Gallery Lecture Series, October 2000, Crawford Art Gallery, Cork, Ireland.
Ryan, Angela (2000). "Translation as Cultural Memory: Visions and Revisions of Identity in Early Irish and Contemporary Anglo-Irish Literature" Annual International Translation Day Lecture, 29 September 2000, Irish Writers' Centre, Dublin, Ireland.
Ryan, Angela (2000). “Structure and Counterstructure, Bourdieu’s heretical discourse and Leconte’s Ridicule”. Annual Conference of the British Society for Phenomenology, National University of Ireland, Cork, Ireland, 28-30 July 2000.
Ryan, Angela (2000). "The City of Men and Women: the Kantian Sublime in Jean Renoir's La Grande Illusion", The Sublime and the City, IX Annual Conference of the School of Languages and Literature, National University of Ireland, Cork, Ireland, 28-30 April 2000.
Ryan, Angela (2000). “The King, the Goddess, her Prey and their Lover: Rhetoric of the Heroine in Euripides’ Phaedra and Racine’s Phèdre”. Public lecture to the Classics Society and the French Society, National University of Ireland, Cork, April 2000.
Ryan, Angela (1999). “Avant-texte and après-texte in Compagnon and Cixous”. [Oral Presentation], Annual Conference of the International Association for Philosophy and Literature, City Hall, Leeds , 30-DEC-99.
Ryan, Angela (1998). "Who are I? The Question of Representation and the Future of Literature: Hume, Bourdieu, Cixous" Plenary Address to the Annual Royal Irish Academy Symposium, The Queen's University of Belfast, N.I, November 1998.
Ryan, Angela (1988). “New Translation Methodologies in French Degree Courses (National University of Ireland, Cork )”. [Plenary Lecture], Seminar of the Irish Translators' Association, UCC, 01-NOV-88
Ryan, Angela (1997). “The Body in the Library: Montaigne, Hume, Cixous” in the research seminar series Europe and its Ideologies organised by myself in the Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, Ireland, Feb-March 1997.
Ryan, Angela (1995). “The Body in the Library: Helene Cixous and the question of the subject”. Seminar “The French Ideology”, National University of Ireland, Cork, December 1995.
Ryan, Angela (1995). “Conflict and the Family: John Banville and Hervé Bazin”. Annual Conference of the International Association for the Study of Anglo-Irish Literature IASAIL, National University of Ireland, Cork, July 1995.
Ryan, Angela (1994). “Group Dynamics Exercises for Learner Motivation” presented at the National University of Ireland, Cork School of Languages and Literature Fourth Workshop on Language Teaching Methodology, March 1994.
Ryan, Angela (1992). “Voix de femmes, voix d'Irlande”. Lecture and poetry reading, Collège des Irlandais, Paris, Oct. 1992.
Ryan, Angela (1992). “Exile and Displacement as Textual Strategy: Farida Belghoul's Georgette”, London Guildhall University International Conference on Francophone Writing: Language and Literature in North and West Africa, London, July 1992.
Ryan, Angela (1992). “Literature and sanity”. Seminar on the teaching of literature at third level, National University of Ireland, Cork, 24‑25 April 1992.
Ryan, Angela (1992). “Virgins, Whores and Mothers: transformations of the female in the contemporary short story Annual Conference of the International Association for the Study of Anglo-Irish Literature IASAIL, Trinity College, Dublin, July 1992.
3Ryan, Angela (1992). “The Voice of the Family: individuality and kinship in the modern French and Irish novel”. Plenary address to the Annual Conference of the British Society for French Studies, The Queen's University of Belfast, N.I. March 1992.
Ryan, Angela (1991). “The Structure of the Family in the Modern Novel: Kate O'Brien and François Mauriac” Annual Conference of the Royal Irish Academy, U. of Maynooth, Ireland, November 1991.
Ryan, Angela (1991). La Langue française aujourd'hui: chronique de Jacques Lacant. Radio programme for Radio Courtoisie, Paris, France, June 1991.
Ryan, Angela (1991). “Vierge, Mère, Pleureuse: transformations de l'image de la femme irlandaise dans la poésie contemporaine”. Annual Conference of the CRIF (Centre de recherche sur l'imaginaire féminin), U. de Bordeaux III, France, 26 January 1991.
Ryan, Angela (1990). “Teaching professional translation to MA level”. Annual Conference of the Royal Irish Academy, University of Ulster at Coleraine, N.I. 1990.
Ryan, Angela (1989). “Contemporary Irish Women Poets”. Annual Conference of the International Association for the Study of Anglo-Irish Literature IASAIL, Lajos Kossuth University, Debrecen, Hungary, 12 July, 1989.
Ryan, Angela (1988). Liveline Radio interview on Ireland from the point of view of returned emigrants, Radio Telefis Eireann, Dublin, Ireland, 1 1988.
Ryan, Angela . “New Translation Methodologies in French Degree Courses (National University of Ireland, Cork) ”.Seminar of the Irish Translators' Association at National University of Ireland, Cork, November 1988.
Ryan, Angela (1985). “The Mother in Contemporary Irish Poetry”. Annual Conference of the International Association for the Study of Anglo-Irish Literature IASAIL, Université de Caen, France, July 1985.